γ-alumina microspheres crystal form carrier of C3 and C4 dehydrogenation catalysts in fluidized bed/fluidized bed

γ-alumina microspheres crystal form carrier of C3 and C4 dehydrogenation catalysts in fluidized bed/fluidized bed

Product Description

  1. Good sphericity
  2. Low wear
  3. concentration of particle size distribution
  4. stable and excellent use effect


Our γ-alumina microspheres crystal form is γ-Al2O3, This product is a small white spherical particle, non toxic, odorless, odorless, insoluble

in water and ethanol.It can adjust particle size distribution, pore volume, specific surface area and other indicators according to requirements.

Especially suitable for use as carrier of C3 and C4 dehydrogenation catalysts in fluidized bed/fluidized bed.


γ-alumina microspheres specificaiton:

Brand Chemical compositon % Physical performance
Al2O3 Size SiO2 Fe2O3 Na2O

(650℃ 2hr)



(m2 /g)

Pore volume




Bulk density

(g/ml )

D50 <20μm <40μm >150μm
LS-TS01 >99.7 75-95 <5 <10 <5 <0.30 <0.10 <0.10 <3 110-150 0.3-0.4 <3 0.8-1.1
LS-TS02 >99.5 75-95 <5 <10 <5 <0.30 <0.10 <0.30 <3 110-150 0.3-0.4 <3 0.8-1.1

